SMALL GROUPS/PRAYER INITIATIVES RESUME:  We will be resuming small groups and our prayer initiatives (Wednesday Night Prayer & Nightwatch) this month!  We encourage you to plug into a small group and join us in prayer this month.

NIGHTWATCH:  Join us as we engage in worship and intercession throughout the night.  Nightwatch will be on Friday, September 12, from 10pm-5am.  Come through as we seek the heart of God and pray His will be done here both locally and globally.

RISE UP FAST: Riding off the momentum of the Young Adult’s Rise Up Retreat in August, we are calling all believers to a 50-day fast.  Join us as we contend for in-house and global breakthrough.  We believe it’s time to rise up and respond to what God’s doing here in the Bay Area.  Even if you miss our launch date, it’s never too late to join!  For more information, click here.

FRIENDZONE SERIES: Our upcoming series is called “Friendzone: The Art Of Building Lifelong Relationships.” We are encouraging every member to bring their friends/family/coworkers during this series. We have made special invitation cards to hand out to those you want to invite. They can be picked up at the side table in the sanctuary.

NEW BELIEVER’S CLASS:  We will be teaching on the foundations of our faith and how we can grow in our intimacy with Christ. It will be a time of encouragement and empowerment. If you have received Jesus in the last 6 months or so or even longer but have not been discipled, please attend! We will have a sign up sheet at the end of the service. Please sign up!