This piece of advice contains age-old wisdom that never loses its usefulness. Its applications include: crossing the street, walking down the stairs, navigating your way through a crowd, driving on a mountainside with a steep drop and no guardrail . . . Overall, I think we can say that to watch where you’re going is sound advice! But the wisdom is deeper than it appears. In actuality, you are always watching where you are going because you are going wherever you are watching. Whatever you are gazing at is your intended destination; you are going there. Whatever captures your imagination will determine your destination.
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. – Hebrews 12:1-2
Looking unto Jesus . . . this is the objective of the fast. We want Jesus to be our destination, and so we must learn how to look to him with all of our hearts. Fasting is the context in which it is simultaneously harder than ever and easier than ever to look to Jesus. It is hard to look to Jesus because we must face the temptation to look to food . . . The desire for food is like a time machine: it can take me back to scrumptious meals gone by, or it can take me forward to succulent meals to come. But one thing is for sure: when I’m fasting, fixing my mind on the desire for food will always take me out of the present and therefore out of the presence of God. The good news is that fasting is also the easiest time to set your mind on Jesus because in the moment that you realize that you’ve allowed the lust for food to pull you out of the present, you can look to Jesus and be set free! Freedom and fasting are brothers. When your heart is turned towards the Lord in the midst of a time of fasting, freedom happens quickly and easily. I want to encourage you to live in the present today where God desires to meet you with his presence. Don’t dwell on the past or the future (of food). God is here now. You lack nothing! Blessings and much love, pb
“Freedom & Fasting are brothers” Sooo good PB! TY!
When reading this devotion I remembered when Sammy was in the early stages of walking. If he got distracted by the tv or someone talking to him he’d immediately fix his gaze elsewhere and BANG! he’d hit a wall or trip, get hurt and cry. My life is like that, if I don’t focus on Jesus BANG! I run into walls of discouragement and dissillusionment. This fast brings my focus back to The Way so I steer clear. Thanks pa!
Yes! Come on!
Wow! Truth!
Many times we’re trying to pursue avoiding sin, pursue avoiding breaking the fast, and pursue being faithful. These are all great things, but many times I realize that its about the MAIN pursuit of seeking His face and His goodness that makes all these other pursuits fall into place. As I pursue God’s heart and His presence, everything else comes into alignment. It’s in His presence that I find joy, clarity, and strength to pursue all the other desires and missions of my heart. As I pursue Him, I fill my mind and heart with Him – and He is with me now 🙂
Right on!
So much truth!!!!
“The good news is that fasting is also the easiest time to set your mind on Jesus because in the moment that you realize that you’ve allowed the lust for food to pull you out of the present, you can look to Jesus and be set free!”
I’m so blessed to have so much truth to bask in! God is!!!