We Are Now Hiring a New Director of Administration


– Position: Director of Administration
– Status: Part Time (24 hours per week)
– Compensation: $18 per hour ($1872 per month)

Qualifications / Skills Required

– A passionate spirituality and commitment to Christ
– A desire to fulfill Living Hope’s mission and exemplify its core values in all endeavors.
– Must exemplify moral integrity and model sacrificial service.
– Must be detail-oriented and able to manage multiple projects efficiently and effectively.
– Must be positive, warm and inviting . . . must have a great attitude.
– Must be proficient in the most fundamental administrative software and able to learn new programs as required.
– Must be able to oversee others in a relationally healthy and administratively productive way.

Essential Responsibilities

– Maintain (and/or create, when necessary) all necessary supplies.
– Establish consistent communications with the congregation and leadership.
– Develop and oversee special events and facilities teams.
– Keep the church in compliance with any legal documentation necessary.
– Solicit and oversee volunteers, mobilizing other members of the church to meet the administrative needs of the house.
– Manage and organize the creation and submission of yearly plans and budgets from each of the ministries.
– Host leadership training and enrichment events and activities.
– Find ways to support the Senior Pastors and their initiatives on behalf of the house.
– Basic book keeping and accounting functions, including bill payment, check writing and bank deposits. (Knowledge of Quickbooks is preferred)


If you wish to apply, we encourage you to email your resume to [email protected] today! You will receive a response within 7 days.

You can also contact us with any questions that you may have about the position and what it requires.

We are excited about the prospect of finding just the right person to fill this position as we believe it is essential for the next stage of our growth and development!

Thank you for your prayers!