Dear Living Hope Family,
Rising concerns about the spread of the Coronavirus in the US in general and in the Bay Area in particular have brought a sense of urgency to ensure that Living Hope maintains a healthy environment for our congregants. In light of the steady stream of new information that is coming forth on a daily basis, we are implementing a series of precautionary measures for our weekly gatherings. But before I list and explain them, let me say that our Sunday services will continue as planned until further notice. I repeat: we are not cancelling our weekend services at this point. The precautionary measures are as follows:
- Sanitize: We are asking everyone in our congregation (in both locations) to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer if available, upon entering the sanctuary. Ministry leaders will remind kids not to put their hands on their faces and to wash their hands.
- Assess your own health and that of your family: If you or members of your family have flu-like symptoms or a cough, we ask you to stay home and take care of you and yours instead of coming to service. If you are sick, please let us know via email so we can check in on you. You can email us at [email protected].
- Greetings: Please greet one another with a holy elbow pound, peace sign, or genuflection, instead of hand shakes, back slaps, hugs, or holy kissing.
- Doors: We will begin leaving doors open so that you do not have to touch them in order to enter or exit the facility when you come to worship.
- Offering: Instead of passing around the offering basket, we will now collect offerings, connection cards, and other materials in a box/bucket that will be setup at the rear of each auditorium.
- Children: We will discontinue providing toys for the children to play with and will provide alternative means of engaging them.
- Food: We will continue serving coffee, but no food will be served.
In closing, let me say that while there is cause for concern, there is no cause for panic. We are confident that the name of Jesus is more powerful than the Coronavirus, and we continue to be committed to gathering together so as to experience God Truly Among Us, because there is no brokenness that cannot be mended in God’s presence! If you have any questions or further concerns, please feel free to contact me by responding to this email. Our pastors, elders, and staff are fully committed to providing the safest possible environment for our people to encounter God and enjoy the fellowship of one another.
Moving with God,
Pastor Benjamin Robinson